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Thank You for Picking Up My 101 Resistance Band Exercise Coaching Videos but let’s make sure YOU have exactly what you need to be successful with these exercises.

Exercise videos are great for the band training veteran but for someone new to resistance band training, exercises without the right bands and coaching, will most likely fall short of helping you successfully master how best to train with resistance bands.

If YOU have Limited or No Experience with Resistance Band Training you would benefit significantly from this 12-Day Beginner Band Training Mini-Course.

The Step by Step 12 Day Mini-Course  will allow you to progress at your own speed while teaching you exactly how to setup and perform the Top  23  Starter “Anywhere” Band Exercises that  in turn we use to help you build 10-Band Only Workouts you can start getting results with  immediately.

Plus, if you need bands we have put together a customized Mini-Course 3 Band Package with a Door Anchor Strap for attached band training, that includes Free Domestic Shipping.   

Huge discounts on
Coaching Mini Course & Band Kit

12 day beginner course

Coaching Mini Course & Band Kit




Mini Course Only



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