Home Workout Success Starts with Education and Coaching
Let’s Optimize Your Home Band Gym and Give You Total Control of Your Fitness Regards If or When Life Gets Crazy
From Dave Schmitz at Resistancebandtraining.com and The Band Gym:
Dear Fellow Home Band Gym Owner….
Resistance Band Training has never been about selling you a band. I have always has always focused on teaching and training you on how to GET BETTER with BANDS. With COVID-19 requiring you to exercise at home, I want to make sure you have everything you need, including workouts and workout programs.
Having a virtual coach at your finger tips
Having a workout plan everyday
Not having to figure out what day to do what workout
Having a 1 minute walk to unlimited workout options
Not having to wait for equipment
Never having to change up your workout plan
Not dealing with crowds and social distancing concerns
Having workouts literally at your finger tips
That’s exactly what’s available to you when you have Your Own RBT Home Band Gym.
If you need help setting up Your Home Band Gym Bands… Click HERE and Let’s Make Sure You Choose The Right Bands for YOU.
How Can I Help YOU??
Here are 3 FREE Resources you can access INSTANTLY that will provide you home workout ideas.
Daily Instagram Workouts < === Follow
YouTube Workout < === Subscribe
Blog Workouts < === Browse
Want Done-For-YOU Individual Programs or Follow Along Workouts?? Here are 8 Proven Options:
28 Day Game Day Ready – Great for aging athletic development
28 Day Super Hero – Will challenge you to move with strength
28 Day Muscle Maximizer – Advance Body Building Band Program
28 Day Core Chaos – Build the Engine that Makes all Movement Go
28 Day SeniorSTRONG – Great Program for Seniors and 50+ Beginners
28 Day Strength Builder – First Step in Getting RBT Strong
Crunch20 1 – 20 Minute Follow Along Attachment Free Workouts
Crunch20 2 – 20 Minute Follow Along Attached Workouts
Get Coaching with Unlimited Done-for-You Programs and Workouts
Join the Band Gym (Save $20 in April) and let me take away all your workout planning by laying out your workouts for the next 3 months and beyond. Plus I will be there for you, as your virtual coach, if you have any training questions, injury issues or a friendly motivating kick in the butt. 🙂
Tour The Band Gym
Are You Set to take complete control of your Home Band Gym Workouts ???
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate emailing me at Dave@resistancebandtraining.com. I answers all his own emails so you will get Dave.
Dave Schmitz
Pick Your Educational Band Gym Training Option and Let’s Go!!
Showing all 10 results
28 Day Game Day Ready Program (Digital)
28 Day Workout Solution, 4 to 12 Week Programs, Athletic Fit Kit, Home Gym Training, Programs, Workouts, & Education$59.95Staying athletic is the key to slowing down Father Time. Learn how to build athleticism training only with bands while following the 28 Day Game Day Ready Training Program (Digital).
28 Day Muscle Maximizer Program (Digital)
$49.99Learn how to build muscle strength and definition using only bands following the 28 Muscle Maximizer Training Program (Digital).
28 Day Super Hero Workout Program (Digital)
$49.95Stop training the same way day after day. Change things up and let RBT and the 28 Day Super Hero program help you start training your body using exercises not possible following free weight only program.
BandSTRONG Training System 2.0 (Digital)
$49.00Band Strong Training System 12 Week Band Only Training Program broken into 3 Phases to fit any fitness level. Includes At-a-Glance Video Instructional links to teach you each exercise in all 45 workouts.
Core Chaos 28 Day Program (Digital)
28 Day Workout Solution, 4 to 12 Week Programs, Athletic Fit Kit, Dad's RBT Fit Kit, Home Gym Training, Programs, Workouts, & Education$49.95Sit-ups and Crunches are not going to get your core where it needs to be. Learn how to train your core to be Real World strong by following the Done For You 28 Day Core Chaos Training Program (Digital).
Crunch20 Attached “Follow Along” Workouts
28 Day Workout Solution, Follow Along Workouts, Home Gym Training, Programs, Workouts, & Education, Travel Fit Kit$39.99Get Instant Access to 10-20 Minute Follow Along “Attached Band” Workouts with “The Band Man” Dave Schmitz as your coach and training partner.
Crunch20 Attachment Free “Follow Along” Workouts
28 Day Workout Solution, Follow Along Workouts, Home Gym Training, Programs, Workouts, & Education, Travel Fit Kit$39.99Get Instant Access to 10-20 Minute 1 Band Attachment Free “Follow Along” Workouts with “The Band Man” Dave Schmitz as your coach and training partner.
How to Build Your Own Home Band Gym (Digital)
Dad's RBT Fit Kit, Educational Training Guides, Get Fit, Home Gym Training, Programs, Workouts, & Education$39.99Never have to rely on a local gym again. Learn How to Build Your Own Home Band Gym so you can train all aspects of Fitness and Performance Anywhere – Anytime at Any Intensity level (Digital)
SeniorSTRONG 28 Day Strength Building Program
$49.99SeniorSTRONG is a complete 28 Day Program that uses continuously looped resistance bands as the primary strength training tool to help active aging fitness minded adults a joint friendly, convenient, versatile and easily adaptable strength training program that can be done by Anyone – Anywhere – Anytime doing Any Movement.
4 to 12 Week Programs, Certification & Education, Educational Training Guides, Exclusions, Follow Along Workouts, Home Gym Training, Programs, Workouts, & Education$199.00 / yearFastest and Safest Way to Get BETTER with BANDS is by Learning from the World’s Leading Expert. Get Instant Coaching Access to Dave “The Band Man” Schmitz and all of his Workouts, Training Programs, Teaching In-services, and a Growing Video Exercise Vault.